Dog Allergies - What Are the Symptoms of Dog Allergies

Dog allergies are very similar to humans. Many dogs are prone to allergic reactions as much as their humans. Allergies often occur when dogs are repeatedly exposed to an allergen. A dog who is exposed multiple times to an allergen usually develops hypersensitivity to the allergen, most often manifesting as skin rashes. Dogs can also be affected by seasonal allergies.

It is very important for owners to understand that although it may be an allergic reaction to an allergen, it is not necessarily a life-threatening allergy. Allergens can cause a variety of symptoms in both humans and animals, ranging from vomiting to diarrhea. However, a dog's body is less sensitive to allergies than a person's is. The body of a dog cannot quickly recognize an allergen and respond the same way that a human can. Symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting are common among humans but are rare with a dog.

It is also important to realize that many people have allergies that affect both humans and dogs. This type of allergy affects the respiratory system, which can also lead to coughing and wheezing. In a dog, allergies to dust and flea bites are very common. These allergies are usually triggered by something in the environment, which can be as simple as dust mites. Dog allergies are very common and it is very possible to overcome the problem with a little determination, patience and persistence. A dog allergy treatment should not only include medication for the symptoms, but also a complete dietary change to help eliminate any allergens that are present.


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